Suggested Menu Plan for 6 days: $342.50
Including Cozy & Stasher Bag: $389.50

Day 1 of 6: $44.75
Day 2 of 6: $64.75
Day 3 of 6: $56.00
Day 4 of 6: $68.50
Day 5 of 6: $56.25
Day 6 of 6: $67.25
Suggested Menu Plan for 4 days: $214.00
Including Cozy & Stasher Bag: $261.00

Day 1 of 4: $40.25
Day 2 of 4: $57.75
Day 3 of 4: $57.25
Day 4 of 4: $58.75
Purchase Cozy: $30.00
Purchase Stasher Bag: $17.00

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Breakfasts Lunches Suppers Drinks Desserts